Styling Your Brand

We all like to make a statement. As Summer season approaches, maybe there’s an invitation or two propped up behind the computer keyboard or clinging to the fridge and you know quite soon you’ll be shopping for that killer outfit for that special occasion. You should consider the styling of your branding as carefully as you style yourself.

You might pop into Primark for that quick fix fashion ‘fling on’ but you’ll be after something more sensational when it comes to that wedding or birthday bash. You’ll want an ensemble that suits, that flatters, that says something about you and there’s no substitution for that moment that you stand in front of the mirror and think…yeah..worth every penny!

I read an article recently on Linkedin where somebody was bemoaning the rise of sloppy logo design. The main point of the article, albeit in reference to some large corporates was “They deliver no meaning or emotion”. This is so true. Somehow, the skill behind a well crafted logo has become watered down, diminished and undermined.

There’s a plethora of designers out there willing to ‘style’ your business…some with huge price tags and very little imagination and others offering super cheap options which they have probably lifted from the internet. It’s tempting, especially when you start out to think cheap and cheerful…but surely in the long term you want to love your brand in 5 years time as much as you do now. Investing in that tailored little black dress that you’ll be wearing still for years ahead makes so much more sense now, than last years floral fashion fad. Your business and your brand should be tailored to you. Like a great designer dress it should convey your personality, fit perfectly and make you feel fantastic.

It’s not just about a pretty swirly typeface and a bit of vector art. It’s about resonating and engaging with your potential clients… projecting the right image to attract your target customer while conveying something of the ethos behind your business and the personality of the business founder…hey…that’s you!

Like the best version of you, when you feel good…your confidence soars…it’s the same with your branding. Having a well considered and professionally designed brand that is reflected across all your marketing touch points…sends out a message of professional confidence. A poorly designed logo looks like a throwaway fashion choice, an ill judged impulse buy or that rah rah skirt from the 80’s. Make sure your logo and branding remains a classic..simple, classy and made to measure.

