Author: Mary McCarthy

Kathryn Anthony Optometrist posters
Mary McCarthy

Kathryn Anthony Optometrists

Kathryn’s core palette is the fresh teal tone, cool grey and white key lines. She didn’t want a new logo design but did want to build on that to raise her profile.

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Cherry Tree Yoga branding
Mary McCarthy

Cherry Tree Yoga

The story behind this brand was so personal that I particularly wanted to do it justice. It’s a feminine look, yes but the brief was ‘not too girly’ so I think the end result has the right balance.

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Speakeasy Spirits branding
Mary McCarthy

Speak Easy Spirits

The distillery had already chosen the name of the new Craft Gin, but wanted an identity that reflected the ‘tongue in cheek’ prohibition reference.

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Corspace branding
Mary McCarthy

Corspace Logo and Branding

For Corspace, the brief was to provide a logo and branding that was modern, professional, credible and aspirational. The client was looking
for an open and welcome tone of voice that demonstrated possibility, opportunity, encouragement, innovation & quality.

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Mary McCarthy

No Love, You Are Not Alone

Sharing expertise can be hugely beneficial in business. As a home worker, I have to problem solve on a daily basis, alone, with only my books and the internet for reference. If there’s a gap in my knowledge as to how to do something it can be a great frustration and a drain on my time too, so I am always open to learning from others and sharing knowledge.

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Mary McCarthy

Gone to Pot! How Picasso’s Pots Charmed Me

Graphic design is my business but my first love has always been art. For some time, I had wanted to see the Chapel at Vence where Matisse had designed magnificent stained glass windows in his final years. Everyone knows about Picasso as a painter, but I was not acquainted with his printmaking or ceramics.

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Mary McCarthy

Styling Your Brand

We all like to make a statement. You should consider the styling of your branding as carefully as you style yourself. Make sure your logo and branding remains a classic..simple, classy and made to measure.

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Mary McCarthy

Plan Me

February caught me unaware again. It’s such a short month that it’s easy to miscalculate your working schedule and I realised I’d given myself two less days than I anticipated to hit a design deadline. ‘Time out’ is so vital to your well being and creativity, so, tempting as it is to ‘power through’, remind yourself to take ten minutes in the sunshine or book that well earned massage.

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Mary McCarthy

What A Difference A Day Makes

January’s a month of evaluation, realignment, reassessment, a month to reaffirm and reflect. With the dawn of the new year comes new resolve…to land that big corporate client, improve your skills and break through that financial glass ceiling. It doesn’t always pan out that way though.

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